Monday, December 29, 2014


It’s that time again when we are either making or avoiding New Year’s Resolutions. So often we set a list of a remote goals or ideals that we strive to meet. This very idea of trying to become something removed from us is exactly what sets us up for failure. Instead I suggest we take this time to discover the perfection already found within us.

Winter Solstice saw the sun cross the line and promises the coming light. It is a time of new beginnings. We more often associate new beginnings with spring but fail to recognize that the spring produces the fruit of what has begun now.  The activity that is found deep within that emerges on the surface as the abundant spring light warms the earth.

So as 2014 seamlessly becomes a new year. I ask you to consider, to explore, what is at your centre. It is not our job to become a societal ideal but rather to become ourselves. Do you know or can you feel who that is? Is it buried under to-do lists, excess weight, pain, loneliness or fear? Are you ready to nurture yourself over the next few months to allow who you really are to emerge along with the light?

During our time of hibernation over the winter months is the perfect time to look inward. Support growth physically and emotionally.  I know you already know the tools that are available to you. Every blog and advertisement will be telling you to meditate, do yoga, exercise, eat well and so on. I ask that you create your regime based on centre and not some remote goal.  Create joy. This is the compass that lets you know you are on the right path. A path that is supportive of your transformation, your emergence.

I look forward to supporting many of you on this journey towards centre in the new year. May 2015 bring you great joy and abundant health.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A little slaw to offset the richness of the season.

Many of the foods we like to indulge in over the holidays tend to be heavy and rich. A slaw on the side can be the prefect way to balance out all that creamy goodness. We all like a little crunch and there is nothing like cabbage and carrot to fit that bill in the veggie world.  But this crunch packs a healthy punch.  This slaw is loaded with fibre, vitamin A, C and calcium. Purple cabbage and kale especially are noted for phytonutrients associated with cancer prevention. With a dressing touting lots of healthy fat and anti inflammatory herbs, you can’t go wrong. Oh and it's pretty too.

Combine in large bowl
  • 1 medium purple cabbage, shredded
  • 3-4 carrots, grated
  • 3 kale leaves, stems removed and chopped fine.

In a blender, place the following items. Blend until smooth. 
  • 1 avocado
  • ½-1 c cilantro including stems
  • ½ c organic coconut milk
  • Juice of one lime
  • 2 Tbs raw apple cider vinegar
  • 2 Tbs raw local honey
  • 1 Tbs of minced fresh ginger
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • Pinch of cayenne (optional)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tis The Season To Be Merry

Christmas is a time for feasting. When the love and celebration of friends and family is traditionally expressed with food and drink. Though much of what we eat this time of year is not recommended in a healthy diet, it doesn't all have to be processed and nutritionally deficient.  

Here is a simple Christmas cookie that has lots of fiber, plenty of protein, healthy fats AND tastes great. The perfect treat all year round but can be made to look just as fun and festive as many of the other treats at the party. It is also simple and fast giving more time to enjoy the season.

No Bake Christmas Balls
Makes 12-15 balls

            1 c medjool dates
            ½ c oats
            ½ c organic unsweetened coconut
            ½ c raw organic walnuts
            2 Tbsp organic peanut butter
            pinch of Himalayan sea salt

Optional Add-ins:
            Organic dried fruit
            Organic 70%+ dark chocolate chunks


1. Put pitted dates in food processor and blend until small. 
2. Add in walnuts and pulse until finely chopped.
3. Add remainder of ingredients one at a time and process until mixed well.
4. Hand roll into small balls.
5. You may roll balls to cover in coconut or hemp seed if desired. 
6. Place in air tight container and refrigerate.

*Feel free to personalize. This recipe is just a template. As long as it sticks together and tastes good your are good to go. Substitute the walnuts for any other nut or seed as well as the peanut butter for another nut or seed butter. Make it your own.